Monday, January 23, 2006

Returning to work

First off, concert was great. All things are fine, I just need to refill the Prozac. Settle down a bit. High expectations do often create conflict, but missing your meds doesn't help either.

I am always so scheduled when I take time off, that I forget what it is like to truly take time off. And do nothing. Nothing at all. Not even watch Oprah (not that I do, I would prefer to watch Ellen, but even that is scheduling!). Of course, I had to send the auto reply that says I will not be in, I will return your message upon my return, add greeting 2 to my voice mail (to the inventor of voice mail....I'm torn between cursing you to rot in hell, and blessing you for allowing me to ignore those internal calls that can only be from nasaly co-workers......), and hide all of the work that I did not get done, before I left. But other than the concert, Drs appt, meeting at my fake job (as opposed to my real one), pay car payment, buy juice box, sugar, athletic supporter, and meet a friend for lunch, I had nothing to do.

Ok, there was laundry.......but that really doesn't count because I have laundry every day. Remember, 4 kids, a husband and a Mom. And my own laundry, because you only throw a silk shirt in with the towels once before you learn the lesson that if its mom's don't touch it. But I can't remember the last time I did NOTHING.

Is that even possible? Isn't there always something to do or someplace to go? I swear that working is my free time. (Obviously, or I wouldn't have time to post!) I worked part time before and I know that I was busier then than I am now. How does that happen?

I don't have the answer. All I know is that I have a mountain of work in my inbasket, not to mention the stuff I hid, so I should get busy........I should......I will, after I catch up on all of my threatening e-mails.....


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