Saturday, June 14, 2008

I'm Hurt

He and his wife had their baby. He e-mailed, texted, called his friends. I am not one of them. He will say it is because that is what I said. And I did. I told him he was a co-worker. I said that he had not been that red hot of a friend, and that he kind of sucked as a co-worker.

That kind of talk will get you removed from the friends list in a hurry.

I'm not going to lie. That's exactly what I did. I removed him from my contacts. I deleted him from the list of friends. I deleted every e-mail. I destroyed everything. That is what one does. They try to remove everything that will remind them of him. I totally did that. I seem petty and like a sore loser. I am. But, you see, I have to work with this man, so I can't rage at him. I am still trying to keep the illusion that no one knows. That I was that good at covering my tracks. I was asked to find out what he and his bride wanted as a wedding gift, as we were such good friends. I was asked several times if I knew if she had the baby yet? I would be one of those to ask, because we are friends, right? I told him once in an e-mail that his personal life was of no concern to me, when he complained that he wasn't getting enough sleep. I didn't want to know. Though I knew. But you see, I set the rules. He is just following my example. Probably shared the e-mail with his wife, who told him "She sounds like a stalker! Don't tell her anything." It is none of my business.

I've been betrayed. I was not shown courtesy. He knew. But he didn't give me any consideration. Remember, he broke my heart. I didn't even touch his. If he were a friend, he would have told me, even if I didn't want to hear it. But he didn't. He met a woman, got her pregnant, married her, swore others to secrecy, and then acts annoyed that I even know. I am only following his example.

Of course I'm bitter. But I can't even let anyone know that. All I am is a joke. A pathetic old woman who just needs to get a grip.

Country Music Television

I know. You're concerned. Why am I watching the above? While I admit, some of the show they have on are entertaining, there are a few that make me cringe. The same can be said of VH1 and MTV as well. But I don't want to talk about the shows. I want to talk about the commercials.


I watch VH1 and CMT in the morning as I get ready for work. I want to listen to the music. I used to listen to the radio, but there isn't a lot of music there. It's always talk about "What is your most embarrassing moment? Bet it can't top Brittany's!" or "Gas price. Love them or hate them! Next caller!" (I confess, that is actually from a car commercial, but it's on the radio in the commercial). You get the idea. I want to listen to music while I drink my coffee, not a story. So the 2 above stations will play 2 videos in a row. Then a long string of commercials. But, because there are 2 stations, I can flip between the 2, and generally miss all the advertising.

I have been watch CMT this morning, and, I kid you not, I have seen the Lipozene commercial 10 times. I counted. Every commercial break, there is a Lipozene commercial. Every break.

I went to the website to say, "Quit calling us fat! It Saturday, ok! Save the self esteem commercial for the work week!". But they do not have a "contact us" button, drop down, whatever. They have blogs, but I don't think its appropriate to start a thread about this on the "Gone Country" blog. (But let's be honest, Sisqo was robbed!). But what is up with this? I flip over to VH1, and MTV (which kills me, I swear my I.Q. drops 10 points anytime I watch more than 10 seconds on that network), I even will watch MTV2, and none of these networks, which are all part of the MTV family, have this commercial on with the frequency that CMT does.

What are we supposed to think? I know its all about the money, but come on! Do they really think we're not going to notice how often its on?

I need a doughnut......