Friday, March 03, 2006

Just Browsing

We all have blogs that we like to read. Our favorites. We can tell how we found them, which lead us to another blog, which was added to our favorites. We are dedicated. But every now and then, we go up to that little button at the top of the page and browse. In this way, we read newer fresher stuff, expand our circle of favorites, because that is what its there for.

But have you ever come across something you weren't expecting? Something of an adult nature? I have accidentally browsed my way onto a few sites that I would not have gone to intentionally. I am always caught off guard. I used to keep my window open to the full size of the screen, but accidentally browse to a blog were there is a picture prominently displaying body parts in places that they shouldn't be with out a a couple drinks and the promise of a cigarette afterwards, and you realize that there are somethings you don't want to see on a 20 inch monitor screen, much less have everyone that walks by your cube and turns to see what you doing, to see either! Stuff like that helps you figure out what kind of person you are. I have discovered that I am the "ohmygodwhocouldputsomethinglikethisup?" kind of person. I fumble quickly with the mouse to go back to the previous blog, go forward, anything, just to get off of that blog. Yes there is a selection that you can click on that would put a warning on the blog, so that it will be taken out of the rotation. I'm conflicted about that.

First off, who am I to judge? Just because I don't want to see it, doesn't mean that other don't. I find it inappropriate, but I could just be uptight. We have freedom of speech so these people (exhibitionist, every one!), have the right to post what they want. I can just choose not to look at it.
On the other hand, do I really want my teenage son to accidentally come across it? Or my 10 year old? Or anyone's kid for that matter? NO! But shouldn't I be keeping better track of what my kids do, so this doesn't happen? Yes, I should. But it is naive to think that I can be always aware of what my children are doing.

So perhaps I should click on the warning. Problem is, is that once I leave the site, I can't get back to it. The rotation changes. That kind of works for me. That way I don't have to see it, nor do I censor it.

Best of both worlds!


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