Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Busy! Busy! Busy!

My goodness! If I didn't know better, I would swear that the Drs I work for have it in for me! The census has gone way up, so every available moment I have on the computer, is devoted to them.
Oh, sure, working at home....

****great, my daughter, my 19 year old daughter, just growled at me. No, forgive me, it was a roar. She was demonstrating how good of a roar-er she is and the the dog didn't even flinch when she did this to her. This is my life, times four. Five, if you count the dog.******

Ok, working at home has its advantages, like the flexibility to work when I want to, or need to, or can. My youngest was home today and I did not have to burn one hour of my 314.75 hours of PTO to be a good mom and take care of him. (I'll never get to take that .75 hour. That's not allowed. It was never allowed, but it could be done, which is why I have it, but they changed KRONOS so it can't be done now. Is it my fault that they didn't put all the necessary safe guards in to begin with? Why am I being punished?) I do have a unique situation in that I work 2 jobs. Sitting here at home I can look as sloppy as I want to. But I do have to look presentable at the second job as I'm a receptionist. For an eye doctor, so I suppose I don't have to look REALLY great, as the patients have trouble seeing, and not that I do, but I can't very well roll up in jeans and a t -shirt that has"THE BEATINGS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL MORALE IMPROVES!!" emblazoned across the front! ( Got it at Disney World of all places!).

When I worked at the office, I would get up at 6:00, get ready, get the kids up, off to school, on to work, at 4:00, leave the full time job, drive to the part-time job, and be appropriately dressed at both places. Now, I get up, pull on jeans, cause that's one of the perks, right? Get the kids off to school, sign on to my computer and work. At about 3 o'clock, stop to change, go to part time job. At this point, I'm already down an hour. And on Mondays and Wednesday, I have to stop at 1:30, to pick my daughter up from school. We have to work in 3 hr increments, so no point getting back on, when I'm going to leave again.

If I get off at the part time at 7:30, fine, but Monday night I was there until 9:00. By the time I get home, eat, kiss the kids good night, it's closer to 10:00. No way I can work for 3 hours. So now I'm down even more time.

I'm not complaining, boo! hiss! wah! I don't like this! I'm just saying that there are adjustments to be made, and along the way, something has to give for right now. So why the dog isn't upset when roared at, isn't real high on my list of priorities. I'm a work at home mom, not a stay at home one.


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