Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Where's the Trust?

I have an ongoing battle with the pharmacy that is on every corner. I understand that nothing is perfect. All I expect from a pharmacy is that they get the script right, tell me any pertainent information that I need to know, and give me all my cards, insurance, debit, credit, whatever, back. I don't think I'm asking a lot. But apparently I am. Lets list them out, shall we?

Offense Number1: They pharmacy gave me only half the prescription because that did not have all of it.
In and of itself, not a terrible offense. That is when they didn't tell me that they were only giving me half, and it was Valium. And my son had picked up the bottle. And no one at the pharmacy could tell me what the other pharmicist had done. And he wasn't there. And am I really willing to risk my sons life until the next day?
After my son stomach was pumped and it was revealed that he did not take the meds, they began eyeballing my other son, because you know, kids lie when they are in trouble! It was probably him who took the pills! The next day, the pharmacist called me back. He forgot to tell me that it was only half the prescription. He was sorry.

Offense Number 2: They gave me (now I know, you are asking yourself, why did I go back after the first offense? Well, every other pharmacy with a global reach left our town, and 3 years had gone by, and remember, there is one on every corner, so I went to another corner!) where was I? Oh, they gave me a script for a medicine for the eyes, with a warning on it, not to put this medicine in the eye! Apparently, she got confused, and gave me the medicine for ear drops, not eye drops. I returned it, and she told me that it would have been ok either way. I said oh really? Then how come it says to flush with water and contact emergency medical personel immediately if you get it in the eye? She was sorry.

Offense Number 3: I went to ( I know! But again! There is no other pharmacy open at 10:00 except them and my son's head was about to explode! It were me, I would have risked it, but....) another corner, turned in the script, new insurance card, was told the wait would be 30 minutes. Grand. In 30 minutes, I came back to the drive up window, tried to tell her who the prescription was for, she couldn't hear me, so, I gave her my bank card, which has my name on it, and besides, I'll have to pay for it anyway. AN HOUR LATER, I got my medicine for my son, and my credit card. They were sorry.

Final Offense: I went to my regular pharmacy to get a routine prescription. New year, new insurance, could they get a copy of my card? Sure, said I. I dug around in my purse, and guess what? I didn't have it. Guess who did? For a week? And didn't call me to tell me? Yeah, they were sorry.

They sure are sorry! Now kids, I can't even make the bold statement that I will NEVER go back, because they are the only game in town at night! Yeah, I'll bet they're sorry about that, too!

Monday, January 30, 2006

Going to see The Mouse

You know, going anywhere with 4 kids, a husband, and a dog is an adventure, but by the time I get to this vacation, it will seem a snap after making the arrangements. Call Ms. Impulsive, but I decided that it was time to take the kids to Orlando again. Three reasons for this; my baby was there but really doesn't remember even though we took a lot of pictures of him, and he has some ears, while he kind of believes us, he's not really sure. Secondly, my daughter is about to graduate from high school and will LEAVE ME ALONE with all these boys, so I wanted one more family trip before that. Lastly, the last time we were down there was on Sept 11th. I would rather my kids have a childhood trip of a lifetime memory that did not include imfamy!

So we are going to Florida!

First thing do we fly or drive?. Gas prices being as they are, it is probably cost effective to fly, however, we want to go at Spring break, so you know the airlines, the price is higher! That will be 6 of us, no dog, she will stay home with Grandma, so we are looking at quite a chunk of change if we fly. Oh, sure! Had I not been so impulsive, and spur of the moment and PLANNED this trip, I probably could have found a bargain, but no sense beating myself up over that, we are going now.

Secondly, which hotel? We can stay at a modest hotel in Kissimmee at $67 a night, 2 rooms, minimum stay 4 nights, or we can get a VILLA with a private pool, 5 day passes to that upstart movie park, for $3200, including airfare. There is also the option of staying at the resort hotels with free shuttle service to the parks, however, we would have to get a rental car to go to both parks, $267.00 plus taxes and insurance, unlimited miles. We have a pass for Mickey from the day that the park closed while we were down there that they assured me at the time, was good for "forever". Why would the mouse lie?

When to go? If we go the week that my kids are out of school, the prices are higher. If I go the week before, the tickets for the airfare and hotels are half price. Do I really want to deal with the disapproval of the schools? Ok, that really isn't an issue, sorry I went there.

This is quite a quandary. The last part will be spring this on my husband. I will of course have to tell him, in and/or around a medical facility as I am sure he will hemorrhage at the thought of spending this amount of money. I think I have this figured out too. I will let him tell the kids that it was his idea. Yes, that's my job. Self sacrificing Mom. We do what we have to.

To be continued......

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Slimey Cheese Dog!

(damn! One of these days I will stop hitting enter after I add the title and I won't have to scramble to recall the post!)

I have a teenage daughter. She has a boyfriend. While I am a bitter adult, I am secrectly an idealist, so as long as my daughter is willing to share with me, I love to live vicariously through her in her trial and tribulations with that boy. (He's so NOT good enough for her! She's an Angel, and he's, well, he's a JUNIOR!).

The other night she and he were out and he was telling her a little more about himself. My daughter does not pry, she doesn't want to seem pushy or stalkerish, so she had not asked him about his former girlfriend (how that is pushy or stalkerish, I don't know, FOCUS! I'm a mom and that puts me totally out of touch!). Anyway, he said," I have a sister, a brother. I broke up with my last girlfriend a couple months ago, that hit me pretty hard....."

My daughter is freaking out. This kid is dropping her off at our house, talking about his ex and seems distracted when she gets out of the car. She tentatively ask him if she gets a kiss good bye, he is like "oh, yeah..." leans over, peck, and he's gone.

She tell me this and I tell her not to worry, he wasn't reminising he was just telling her that he was sensitive, and that he had been hurt, its ok. Secrectly, I am feverishly trying to figure out a way I can get a lock of this other girls hair, and if I know anybody with secret voodoo knowledge, no questions asked, totally not judging them. My daughter decides I don't know what I'm talking about, but humors me by saying I'm probably right, and give me a hug, but stops short of patting me on the head.

That was Sunday. Today, he and her went to lunch (teacher conference or something or other), and he brings her home and again, she is feeling kind of "what the heck?" I tell he to call him, right now, tell him she is feeling this way, and to get this settled. Is he missing the girlfriend, or does he think that my daughter doesn't really like him, and he doesn't want to look like a loser, because he really likes my daughter. I tell her that I don't know why she'd feel this way as it doesn't sound like he is missing the ex just by what he said.

My daughter says," Did I tell you that he had said that he broke up with the girlfriend and that that hit him hard?" I said yes. She said, "Did I tell you that he said since then, he was just trying to figure out a way to pass the time?"........


I told her that she definitely needed to call him now, and find out what was going on, and if she could have a lock of HIS hair...(she was puzzled by that, but whatever...)

Long story short, he didn't mean it that way, he was very sorry, why did I want a lock of his hair?

If my daughter ever knew that I was posting anything like this, she would kill me. So you mustn't tell her. Ever. Serious. Don't bother me with silly details, but you see, I do have a friend with secret voodoo knowledge, and hell hath no fury like a Mom who is busted!

Oh, and the boyfriend, who was NEVER good enough for my daughter, is a slimey cheese dog!!

Monday, January 23, 2006


As I'm sure the clever among you could tell, I'm left-handed (I know, my typing slants the wrong way! I don't know how to make that appear that way, either....). Now, on an average day, I don't even think about it. I am used tighten a light bulb first before I remove it, and with the invention of electric windows, I don't ever roll a car window up first to roll it down, or visa versa. (If there are other left handed people reading this, and you don't do these thing, too, well, FREAKS!!). I have accepted that I will have to ten key right handed, at restaurants, I will always have to sit on the end otherwise I will bump elbows, and I take comfort in the fact that the drive up ATM Machines accommodate me (that is, If I can get the window down). But what really burns me up is wrapping paper on a roll.

I know. How hard could this be? But consider: when a right handed person cuts the wrapping paper off of the roll, the paper falls to the table neatly. The gift is placed in the center, and wrapped. WHA-LAH! When I go to cut the paper off the roll, I have to turn the roll in the other direction, so if there are cute little dancing animals holding up banners, wishing the recipient happy something, they are now upside down. I cut the paper it falls to the table, I put the gift in the center, wrap it, and WHA-LAH! I now have a present that is wrapped upside down, ready to be given as a gift.

During the Christmas season this was especially vexing as, have I mentioned, that I have 4 kids, a husband, Mom, in-laws, various other relatives, co-workers, friends and a dog. After rewraping yet another d@mn Christmas present, I whined.

"Gosh! I wish that they (and you KNOW who "they" are!) would make left handed wrapping paper! It would be so much easier!" My mother who was also wrapping at the time, asked why, and I told her what I have just shared with you. She scoffed. "They can't do that!" she said. Right handed people would buy it and wrap there presents upside down then!" I said "What? Right handed people can't read? It will say Left handed paper!" She said, "you just need to deal with it, and flip the paper around.."

Betrayed by my own mother! (to her credit she has six other kids who are right handed so anyone who grew up in a big family knows, MAJORITY RULES!!!). This has set me in motion! I am proud of my handedness, and am ready to take on the big boys. Oh, sure while there must be quite a bit of cash to be had suing Hallmark and American Greeting, wrapping paper division, why not go immediately to the Big Dog! So, for the record, I am interested in going after the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE. You know those roll of stamps? They cause me undue stress and emotional pain, while putting me at risk for repetitive motion injuries, and paper cuts. In order for me to comfortably apply the stamps, I have to turn them UPSIDE DOWN as they dispense to the RIGHT ! And anyone who's ever gone to jr high school knows that to apply a stamp upside down means YOU LOVE THE RECIPIENT! I do NOT love the electric company, the cable carrier, or my cell phone company, even though they ask me to come and get my love!


Who's with me?!

Returning to work

First off, concert was great. All things are fine, I just need to refill the Prozac. Settle down a bit. High expectations do often create conflict, but missing your meds doesn't help either.

I am always so scheduled when I take time off, that I forget what it is like to truly take time off. And do nothing. Nothing at all. Not even watch Oprah (not that I do, I would prefer to watch Ellen, but even that is scheduling!). Of course, I had to send the auto reply that says I will not be in, I will return your message upon my return, add greeting 2 to my voice mail (to the inventor of voice mail....I'm torn between cursing you to rot in hell, and blessing you for allowing me to ignore those internal calls that can only be from nasaly co-workers......), and hide all of the work that I did not get done, before I left. But other than the concert, Drs appt, meeting at my fake job (as opposed to my real one), pay car payment, buy juice box, sugar, athletic supporter, and meet a friend for lunch, I had nothing to do.

Ok, there was laundry.......but that really doesn't count because I have laundry every day. Remember, 4 kids, a husband and a Mom. And my own laundry, because you only throw a silk shirt in with the towels once before you learn the lesson that if its mom's don't touch it. But I can't remember the last time I did NOTHING.

Is that even possible? Isn't there always something to do or someplace to go? I swear that working is my free time. (Obviously, or I wouldn't have time to post!) I worked part time before and I know that I was busier then than I am now. How does that happen?

I don't have the answer. All I know is that I have a mountain of work in my inbasket, not to mention the stuff I hid, so I should get busy........I should......I will, after I catch up on all of my threatening e-mails.....

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Scare me! I just was saying that Billy Grahams daughter was supposed to have said that September 11th happened because we no longer have prayer in school, and what does New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin say? That God sent hurricanes Katrina and Rita to destroy New Orleans because he was mad at America! Oh, and because we are at war in Iraq.

I'm starting to get a little concerned. I live on the edge of Nebraska and if God really is mad at me for not forwarding all of those e-mails, He could send a flood and like that! I could be living in (GASP!!!) IOWA!!!!!

Oh man! This is bad! We are doomed!

Threatening E-mails

You know, I love to receive e-mails. Even if they are just forwarded from someone, with no special note to me attached, I'm ok with that. Its like receiving a card in the mail. There may not be a long letter with it, but it shows that the sender was thinking of you, and that makes me feel special!
What I don't care for are the threatening e-mails. You know the ones. They start off all sweetness and light, Jesus loves you, I love you, may God bless you and keep you...... Then at the bottom, is THAT line "send this to 10 people in 10 minutes, and something good will happen to you at 10:00......send to only 5 people and in 5 weeks something good will happen" or "send this to 10 people in 10 minutes and you will have good luck for 1 year. Don't send this and you will have bad luck...."

First off, I don't need to be reminded that I do not have 10 friends who will let me have there e-mail address. I mean, how unfair is that? Just go ahead and poke your finger in my face and point out to me that I am unpopular! THANKS!!

Secondly, does God's love really hinge on whether or not I forward an e-mail? How does he know? Is he really monitoring my e-mails? I think not! And if I'm not Catholic, do I automatically get condemned to hell, if I don't make a wish and say the blessing for Saint Somebody?

Don't get me wrong. I absolutely respect (everytime I spell that, I hear Aretha!) others beliefs. But to threaten me to spread the word of God, I just object! I received an e-mail a while ago that was supposedly quoting the Rev. Billy Grahams daughter, that said basically, because we no longer have prayer in public schools, or the Ten Commandments posted in a public park, that God allowed September 11th to happen as punishment for our wicked ways...... How can someone of faith suggest such a thing? And how could someone say that God is watching me to see if I forward an e-mail to determine which misfortunes will happen?

I believe in God. That he loves me no matter what, and just to prove it, I won't be pushed around and intimidated into forwarding threatening e-mails anymore. Its a shame really, because there are some nice sentiments in some of these e-mails. But I only know 4 people, and each of them sent the e-mails to me anyway, so....... nevermind........

Monday, January 16, 2006

The Final Option

Have not posted in the past couple days as I was on Barf Patrol. (Not for the squeamish or faint of heart!) My baby has strep throat. He had a fever of 102.4, could not keep ANYTHING down, so I had to do what every good mother has to do....dunk them in a bathtub of tepid water while sending up a furious pray to the fever gods that this will be enough and that I won't have to go THERE....and all of you moms know where THERE is.

apparently I was not penitent enough, because after I got him out of the tub, he proceeded to throw up on me, and take his temp to the next level, 103.2.

We don't want to do it.

We know that it is for the best and that there is no other way.

As harsh as it sounds, we strip them down, have them assume the position, hope to God that they never tell an anyone, and administer......The butt rocket. It cruel and inhuman, not to mention how it makes the kid feel! It is humiliating for all involved. Oh, you tell yourself that everyone does it, and this is nothing. You are a caring parent. But you know its not true. You know in the deepest part of your soul that if your child were to tell anyone that you stuck anything up there butt, a child abuse file will be opened up so fast that you won't even have time to cover yours!

This is one of those times when it's a drag being a Mom.....

Thursday, January 12, 2006


It pays to ask and waste time learning. I can now do titles. As I am the only reading this anyway, HIGH FIVE FOR ME! GOOD JOB! YOU GO GIRL!

Its the little sucesses everyday that just make you smile......
Its odd the things one thinks of in the middle of the night. I must have woke up 10 times, turned over, looked at the clock, and thought,"Hey! That will be a great thing to put in my blog!.." or "Wow! I have an idea that just might interest others!..." and "Crap! I have to get up in 2 hours!" The last one not related to what I want to post here, but anyway....

This is like a new relationship. A new job. A new car. I'm very excited about this. This is now starting to consume me. I feel like such a krod! I'm the only one that will probably ever read these, but that's ok, because sometimes I crack myself up! For now, though, I have no expectation of funny so the pressure is off. So, instead, I will start off with a few more facts about myself.

I have three boys and one very long suffering girl.

My husband is not stupid. He is a husband, however, so as the title implies, he's just asking to be called names.

My Mother lives with us.

We have one bathroom.

I hate my job, and some of the people I work with. I do get paid quite a bit for what I do, so I suck it up! Monkeys could be trained to do this job, but shhhh! Don't tell management.

I am at a loss as to how to give this post a title, so for now, it will be one sentence.

I have been called a racist by one of our state senators just because of where I live.

I think that that is enough excitement for now. If this were a first date, you would fake an aneurysm, leave, change your phone number and move. Don't blame you. I have potential though. Hang in there.

A krod. Spell it backwards.......

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Ok. Here we go.

My daughter said I spend so much time reading and commenting on other blogs that I should have my own. The girl is brilliant!

So....... here I am. I'm blogging now.......

What is a blog?

As the title above leads one to believe, I am bitter and tired. (Clever, huh?). I have been married for 16 years and have 4 kids under 18 and one over 40. That statement pretty much sums it up as to why I am the way I am. I am not sure what is expected of me here, what more I need to do, which profile for me is better, the left or the right, or if this qualifies as unauthorized use of the internet in the workplace. What an adventure! Please be patient with me, not too harsh as I am sensitive, damn it! I'm also prone to hormonal rages....not really, but I'm trying to give myself some excuse, a crutch if you will, if no one ever reads this. Thank you for your kindness in advance........